Starting point

Take the Carretera d’Arbúcies (GI-552) to the village of Breda (km 4-5). The route starts in the Plaça del Convent, which forms part of the village centre, where we find the Town Council building and Church.


Key features of the route

This route takes us up a small mountain escarpment with dense and diverse Mediterranean vegetation, where the Montseny National Park begins, which leads us to the Coll de n’Orri pass before returning to Breda along down the basins of the Riera de Repiaix and other small tributary streams. Once again, we take advantage of river courses to start or the downward stretch of the route.


This route is rated as low-medium difficulty. It runs around the north-eastern side of Breda from the village centre, heading in a north-easterly direction through the neighbourhood of Barri de la Cooperativa. It follows alongside a short stretch of the Riera del Repiaix stream, before starting the ascent almost up to Les Brugueres. At this point, we take the track to the Coll de n‘Orri pass, from where we begin our descent, following alongside the Riera del Repiaix stream and crossing the Pont d’en Mut bridge before heading back to the starting point, passing the Basses de l’Huguet pond on the way.


As the name indicates, this is a hill pass that enables us to circumvent the mount of Montsoriu towards the Arbúcies valley. This pass also marks the end of the path from Gaserans. This is where the municipal areas of Breda and Sant Feliu de Buixalleu meet, as indicated by the boundary cross erected in 1968 as part of the celebrations of mark the thousandth anniversary of the consecration of the church of the Monastery of Breda.


The Pont del Mut used to form part of this old track towards Arbúcies and is used to cross the Torrent de Vilaseca stream which flows into the Riera de Repiaix a little further to the east. Although it fell into disuse when the new road was built, it is still a popular walking spot among Breda’s residents.